Following unconfirmed report on social media that Bo Rangers Chairman and Football Philanthropist, Babadi Kamara has been appointed as Team Manager of the Sierra Leone National Football Team, Kamara confirmed to NEW AGE that indeed he has been appointed as Team Manager.

He said that he will accept the appointment by the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA).

This appointment came after he declined an earlier appointment of similar position by the FA when there was controversy over his appointment between the Football Association and the National Sport Authority (NSA) together with the Ministry of Sports.

Babadi Kamara has changed the face of football in the country to the point that he was recently dubbed the Roman Ambramovich of SALONE Football.

He has aided the construction of the first clubhouse in Sierra Leone and his team is the only team that paid footballers in the pick of the COVID-19.

His motivation in Sierra Leone’s recent African Nations Cup Qualification in which the National Football Team have qualified after 25yrs has been applauded by all.

It is believed that if he is behind the national team at the AFCON Tournament in Cameron next year, Leone Stars will perform very well.